Pay and be paid from unique ecosystems

From traditional to alternative payments, our global customers benefit from the expertise our team brings.

Launch your own branded card program

Streamline and add value to your payment services with a card program tailored to your unique business needs.


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Fast and simple payments for online privacy

Flexepin vouchers provide merchants with an alternate payment method to cater to customers that may not want to use traditional payment services such as credit or debit cards.

Accepted at 10,000+ websites online for customers to shop without exposing their personal or financial information online.

Go global with our scalable solution

Service niche industries

Reach a new segment of customers that prefer to pay with alternative methods and sand out against your competitors.

global reach

Attract and convert customers from untapped and underserved regions. Flexepin is currently offered in 46 countries around the world.

easy integrations

Integrating Flexepin into your website is simple with many resources available to get you up and running quickly.

no chargebacks

All transactions are instant and irreversible.

no ongoing fees

Our rates are transparent and simple. Costs for Flexepin are directly charged and only related to transactions.

multiple currencies

Accept currencies such as CAD, EUR, GBP, AUD, NZD, USD (only available in a selected group of African countries).

End-to-end payment solutions

Solid payment solution for offshore merchants

Mini cashier to recover lost revenue (funds recovery).

Next-gen virtual currency payment method.

Turnkey, white-label voucher offering.

Partner with us as a merchant or distributor

Expand into new geographic regions and a growing market segment of customers looking for alternative online payment methods that are safe, secure and reliable.

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get in touch

Our offices have real people who can help revolutionise your payments

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